Data at the service of people
People at the core.
According to the United Nations, more than a quarter of the world’s population lives in fragile contexts, affected by socio-economic, environmental, political or security risk factors.
Risk factors
Factors such as sudden rises of basic food prices, illegal extraction of natural resources or violence, restrict development and the fulfilment of human rights while increasing violent conflict.
In these rapidly changing contexts, it is also difficult to gather reliable, relevant and updated data to support decision-making.
For local and national institutions, the latter hinders the formulation, implementation and evaluation of public policies. For private companies, it makes it more difficult to understand the social environment, assess effectively its risks and foster the Sustainable Development Goals.
Eirene Data4Peace has been selected by the PublicTech Lab of the Instituto de Empresa as one of the 100 most promising start-ups for the public sector in 2021
Better decisions for people
We provide public institutions and private companies with an updated follow-up of risk factors in a certain context.
We enable greater efficiency and effectiveness of decisions-making processes.
We contribute to improve people’s lives.
“More than 1.8 billion people live in fragile contexts”
Data with ‘sentiment’ linked to the people´s context
With an app, we facilitate the collection of data on the main risk factors while guaranteeing the privacy and anonymity of users.
We systematize and provide the information in a dashboard, so that public institutions, international organizations or private companies can:
Monitor the risks registered in a continuous and geo-referenced manner and anticipate the identification of those that may arise.
Have a secure and anonymous communication channel with users, allowing to effectively expand or contrast the information.
Track the Sustainable Development Goals prioritized locally.
Citizens, state and private sector: united for peace and development

“Too often, existing data remain unused because
they are released too late or not at all, not well- documented and harmonized, or not available at the level of detail needed for decision-making”
Source: United Nations Secretary-General’s Independent Expert Advisory Group on a Data Revolution for Sustainable Development.
Joint Experience
Eirene Data4Peace was born from the joint experience of its founders, combining programming and strategic analysis on conflict prevention, human rights, gender, development and environmental protection and climate change mitigation and adaptation.

Elisabet Navarro

Alberto Olivas
Contributing to the partnership for development
In cooperation with the United Nations Development Program in Honduras, Eirene Data4Peace developed a pilot in the Mosquitia region. This partnership aims to promote development, prevention of conflict and of human rights violations, and the strengthening of the state’s presence in the region.
Eirene Data4Peace has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Peruvian foundation Prodiálogo, aiming to carry out a pilot to follow-up conflict factors related to the restrictions of access to basic services of the Venezuelan migrant population in the north of Lima, and the prevention of xenophobia.
“Ultimately, more empowered people, better policies, better decisions and greater participation and accountability, leading to better outcomes for people and the planet”
Fuente: United Nations Secretary-General’s Independent Expert Advisory Group on a Data Revolution for Sustainable Development.
Contact us
Calle Pizarro 24. Bajo (local). Madrid 28004. España
© 2019 Eirene data4peace. Todos los derechos reservados.